The New Year is a wonderful time for a fresh start. By setting goals and intentions we set a road map for the year ahead.
New Year's resolutions should be four things: realistic, challenging, ins...
The holiday season is officially in full swing. I have always loved the magic and excitement of this time of year – it is filled with joy and tradition. That said, most of us will find ourselves r...
"Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel." - Eleanor Brown
As women, we are constantly extending ourselves to others. We all wear many hats. By nature, we excel at multi-t...
I have always considered myself a minimalist. Aside from a few candles, I've never had more then a couple of knickknacks. I have always prided myself on being streamlined and have applied this phi...
In the past few journal entries I have mentioned autumn being a season of changed.
Just a quick recap: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the element associated with autumn is metal and the principa...
If you’ve noticed a drop in your energy over the past few weeks you aren’t alone. It’s not just the cooler temperatures that make us want to curl up in bed with a book all day. In Traditional Chi...
Autumn has a special place in everyone’s heart. I think it goes back to the “back to school” season. There is just something about it – you can feel a shift in the energy of the universe. Spiritu...
Everyone has workdays where they are going full speed. One of the biggest challenges at the end of the day is turning off your work mode and relaxing enough to separate this form your home life. Ov...